Trauma Recovery Coach
helping moms conquer self-doubt
and build unshakeable self-confidence
so they can accomplish their
personal and professional goals


Cor.E Energy | Certified Trauma Recovery | Certified Religious Recovery | Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner | Certified Relationship and Betrayal Trauma


Desiree M.

“Through {Sandra’s} coaching, I gave myself permission to be me–and therefore, to live my life the way I want to rather than living for other people. I’ve faced my fears, made changes in the way I think, and started validating my feelings about who I am and who I want to become. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Thank you, Sandra! …”

Do you have an overactive inner mean girl?

  • Do you beat yourself up because you aren’t good enough?

  • Do you feel like a failure, despite always giving your best effort?

  • Do you tend to give in or give up in order to keep the peace?

  • Do you find yourself apologizing, even when it isn’t warranted?

It’s no accident you found yourself here. If you’ve got an overactive inner mean girl, it’s time to quiet that voice inside of you and start building unshakeable self-worth!

Imagine what your life would look like if you FULLY believed in yourself. How would things change if you had more self-love, self-compassion, self-discipline, and knew you were 100% worthy. The life that’s available might just blow your mind!

But before that can happen, we have some work to do! If you’re ready to:

  • Cut through the chaos in your brain…

  • Focus on loving and healing yourself first…

  • Stop doubting your greatness and embrace who you are…

  • Put an end to people-pleasing and perfectionism…

  • Master your inner critic and take control of the narrative in your head…

…you’ve come to the right place! Let’s get started transforming your life from the inside out so you can discover the woman you were always meant to be. Schedule a FREE Self-Talk Assessment to learn more about the simple steps you can take that will lead to life-changing results. What are you waiting for? Let’s start making changes today!

Schedule a
to learn more about
coaching with Sandra

Kira B.

I worked with Sandra as my coach for a year and a half. In that time, she literally changed my life! I was struggling with the beginnings of a repeat bout of depression along with the challenges of being a mother to young children and a husband with chronic health challenges. At that time, I felt hopeless and overwhelmed.

We worked extensively on my mindset and my views around the situations in my life. She is a wealth of knowledge and during my time with her, I learned much about the brain, emotions and feelings, and how these things affect me. While working with her, we uncovered trauma that I didn't realize had played such a big role in my mindset and life. Sandra adjusted and was willing to spend the time on this unexpected discovery, even though it was not in my original intake goal set. I am grateful her knowledge and experience realized it was something we needed to address and that we were able to do so successfully.

Sandra worked very hard to tailor her coaching to the tools and knowledge I needed to be successful. I know she spent extra time outside of our sessions to prepare for the following week. And although she planned things to teach each week, she was also flexible in changing if there were other things I needed to process or discuss. I always felt that Sandra was very respectful of my beliefs, my views and me in general. I am religious and I greatly appreciated that she was willing to talk about and discuss my religious beliefs in conjunction with my coaching. I didn't ever feel that I needed to hide parts of me or my interests at coaching. 

My circumstances have not changed much in that year and a half. My husband still has chronic health challenges and I still have energetic, young kids. However, my mind has been better able to process in a healthy way the things happening around me. I have found joyful moments with my family again. I have been able to realize that my needs are important and am taking care of myself. I am better at understanding my triggers and how to navigate life in a successful and confident manner. I rediscovered parts of me that I didn't realize were lost. Her coaching has gotten me to a place that I can now think about what practices will help me thrive even more. Before, I was simply struggling to make it day to day. 

Sandra was an absolute delight to work with and I now consider her a dear friend. I truly feel like God sent me to her for help and am so blessed to now know the things I do. She truly is a life changing investment that is worthy of your time and money. 

Hi! I’m Sandra…

For as long as I can remember, I doubted my worth. My father was a perfectionist and my mother was a people-pleaser…and I inherited both of these traits, committing to them on a professional level! I was miserable but I desperately wanted to be happy.

After completing therapy for the fourth time in my adult life, I knew something had to change. I made progress each time I worked with a therapist, but within months of moving on, I was back to my old habits, filling my time with coping strategies that made me miserable while allowing my inner critic to run the show. I needed something different—something to help me redesign what was going on inside of me so I could effectively redesign what was happening outside of me.

Then I was in an accident that severed my right hand and woke me to up to a whole new way of life. I began living with intention while consciously choosing my thoughts and embracing my emotions. And to my surprise I discovered that I didn’t have to be miserable! I could choose the path my life would take and trust that everything would eventually work out.

It felt amazing! Within just a few weeks, EVERYTHING CHANGED. Not only did I feel amazing, but I began to trust myself as the expert in my own life and accept the fact that I wasn’t flawed--in fact, I was already perfect!

That’s when I knew I had to share my discoveries with other women who want to transform their lives, too. My mission is to help YOU gain access to the tools needed to master your inner mean girl and build unshakeable self-worth. The steps are simple and can lead to life-changing results.

Are you ready to do the work? If so, schedule a Self-Talk Assessment with Sandra  to uncover what your inner critic is telling you that’s keeping you from being the woman you were meant to be!

Schedule a FREE
Self-Talk Assessment

What clients are saying…