Master Your Inner Mean Girl
Your inner mean girl is all about judgment. Whether you are judging yourself, judging other people, or judging the judgments of others, your inner mean girl is at the root of it all. And judgment is at the root of human suffering. It’s the reason you feel so miserable! But you don’t have to be miserable. When you understand where your inner mean girl originated and how to master that voice inside, you can begin to cultivate self-compassion, embrace your emotions, and live a more empowered life.

Why Self-Love Is a Lifelong Practice (And How to Keep It Going)
Life is a practice of prioritizing and balancing all the things while keeping yourself and your needs at the top of the list. It's learning to manage your self-doubt and increase your self-love. It's connecting and creating relationships that stand the test of time. It's giving yourself the grace you so freely give to others. And when you do that, you'll be prepared to turn life's lemons into a lemonade stand of resilience every time they are thrown your way!

How I Handled Peeing My Pants (and What It Taught Me About Self-Love)
Do you hate your body? If so, you're not alone. In fact, according to the research, you're pretty normal! But the chances are that your body is probably pretty normal, too. And maybe it's time to shift your self-talk to something more nourishing.

Conquering Self-Doubt and Embracing the Real Me
My biggest regret is that I learned at an early age to suppress my emotions. Sound familiar? I became a master of performance rather than a master of self. I focused on self-correction rather than self-connection, believing that if I showed up perfectly--or at least, what I had been taught was perfect--then I'd earn the love of those around me. And for some reason, their love seemed more important than my own love. But guess what? It's impossible to suppress your emotions, because when you do, your body expresses them for you as symptoms.

What If We’ve All Been Brainwashed?
I think we've all been brainwashed. Everyday, I work with women who feel worthless. They spend their time questioning their abilities and wondering if they'll ever be enough. It takes months...or even years...of working together for them to begin seeing themselves as a valuable member of society. I get where they're coming from. I used to feel the same way about myself. But I've spent the past decade unlearning a lifetime of messages that were constantly reminding me I needed to do more, have more, and be more. Looking at where those messages originated is why I've come to the conclusion that we were all brainwashed.

Breaking the Chains of Generational Trauma
Before I even knew what it was, I was passionate about breaking the chains of generational trauma and abuse in my family. I had no idea how much that goal would shape my life, but I don’t regret the decision to become a chainbreaker in my family. Are you a chainbreaker, too?

Stop the Cycle of Body Shame and Self-Loathing
I’ve struggled with body image my whole life. I was never thin enough. Never tall enough. Never pretty enough. Never anything enough. When I look back at pictures of myself when I was young, I’m baffled by these thoughts because now I see myself as an attractive young woman. But all I felt back then was disgust for my body, so much so that I disconnected from it a long time ago.

Better Than Perfect: Embracing Your True Self
What would change in your life if you believed you were already perfect? And what keeps you from having that belief? If you struggle with self-worth, you’re not alone. But maybe a shift in your perspective is all you need!

To Commit or Not…That is the Question of 2024
COMMIT. That’s the word I’m focusing on for 2024. I’m not wholly unfamiliar with it. After all, I commit to losing weight every Monday like clockwork. And I commit to growing my business every Friday (after I meltdown and quit every Wednesday). So what will be different in 2024? That is the question!