Master Your Inner Mean Girl

Master Your Inner Mean Girl

Your inner mean girl is all about judgment. Whether you are judging yourself, judging other people, or judging the judgments of others, your inner mean girl is at the root of it all. And judgment is at the root of human suffering. It’s the reason you feel so miserable! But you don’t have to be miserable. When you understand where your inner mean girl originated and how to master that voice inside, you can begin to cultivate self-compassion, embrace your emotions, and live a more empowered life.

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Life Is A Practice
Real Self-Care, Suffering Is Optional Sandra Jarvis Real Self-Care, Suffering Is Optional Sandra Jarvis

Life Is A Practice

Life is a practice of prioritizing and balancing all the things while keeping yourself and your needs at the top of the list. It's learning to manage your self-doubt and increase your self-love. It's connecting and creating relationships that stand the test of time. It's giving yourself the grace you so freely give to others. And when you do that, you'll be prepared to turn life's lemons into a lemonade stand of resilience every time they are thrown your way!

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